[最も人気のある!] 久遠寺有栖 237828
Kudryavkaの順番★ KumaFox (闭关四个月) LIznzn LL大法好 Lockem♪ lowHp one shoot kill Luby Scarlet Lys Gracieux Mayuki Shiramiya久遠寺有栖さん。ライダーオルタメイド水着リクエストありがとうございます!温室系女子 1199 5100 21年8月15日 ぐや @guya_pfd 有栖川有栖が年前の小説『絶叫城殺人事件』で有栖川有栖に言わせていた「理不尽にも、ただ殺すことだけを目的に男がShe is the daughter of the president of Kuonji Corporation, a major general trading company run by her father Her mother died when she was very young and so she was only raised by her dad, resulting in her being relatively naïve She tends to be reserved and shy, but once she gets used to people, she becomes a friendly rabbitlike girl She is also a clumsy girl who sometimes spins out 十條紫苑 原華族的十條家的獨生女 沉穩並且很有神秘感 雖然這麽說 但是也有 華人百科 久遠寺有栖